Monday, August 5, 2019

Week 3

Date: 5/08/2019 (Thursday)
Title: Selecting a supervisor

For this week, me and my partner (Harith Akmal) decided to search for lecturer that are still available to be our supervisor for FYP. 

After discussed with my partner, then we went to meet Madam Dr. Punithavathi D/O Thirunavakkarasu. 
Madam Punitha gives us a few tittles that can be taken under her supervision. We were interested in one of the title which is “DEVELOPMENT OF SMART SOLAR TRACKER USING ARDUINO”. 

Madam suggested us to do some research first before confirming to take the title.

Information about Madam Punitha

After the meeting with Madam Punitha, I made some basic research about the tittle and I felt that with enough research and knowledge, I can complete this project. Madam Punitha would be a great supervisor based on her wide knowledge about engineering.

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