Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Week 2


This week is about the briefing of the Final Year Project. The briefing was held in Gemilang Hall and the attendance of all student taking FYP was compulsory.

Date: 31th July 2019 (Wednesday)
Venue: TTL2
Time: 3 pm to 5pm
In the briefing, the FYP committees have briefed us about :
·         Introduction
·         Objectives
·         Credits and duration
·         Scope of projects
·         Title selection
·         Project Assessment
·         Presentation day
·         Submission date of project

The students were required to select the title of the project. Students may select the titles that are offered by lecturers (FYP supervisors) or come out with own ideas.

FYP Logbook & Progress :
- Students need to update the logbook / blog regularly.
- Students can refer to the assessment criteria.

FYP Attendance :
 - Students must meet Supervisor for consultation.
 - Attendance that below than 80% will be barred.

FYP Assessment :
  Progress report (blog)                                                  20%
  Presentation & Demonstration                                    40%
  Final Year Project Report                                            40%
  Total                                                                            100%

Exhibition Day :
-  Presentation of FYP Prototype will be held on week 13.
-  Students have to prepare FYP poster and prototype.

Final project report :
-  Student should submit the draft of report to FYP supervisor on week 14 for several corrections and do plagiarism checking(shall not greater than 20%).

For the conclusion, the first briefing was done. The contents of briefing were clearly understood by students.

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